Just because you have always done something a certain way, doesn’t mean you always have to do it that same way. Our intellect can have fixed ideas about how things “should” be. Those are just concepts, someone else’s idea of how things should unfold – not necessarily yours.

To feel free inside is not to be rigid about things, but to be adaptable. ‘Going with the flow’ is not just a catchy phrase. It is being willing to adapt as the situation requires while remaining calm inside. When things change and the unexpected happens, how do you respond? Do you lash out or become frustrated because you want situations to be what you expected? We build our inner core of leadership and peace of mind when we are flexible and willing to consider new responses or approaches.

Yoga at fjord.

To be “versatile” is to be adaptable and resourceful. Versatile people are solution oriented and make the most of situations, to the benefit of all involved. They know how to communicate effectively. When we desire to expand ourselves beyond our familiar ways of reacting or of doing things, we grow inside. If we stay stuck in old ways we may miss opportunities to enrich ourselves and our lives.

Consider TV curmudgeon Archie Bunker (from the 1970’s sitcom “All in the Family”) who was very fixed in his ways and in his opinions. He considered himself right and everyone else wrong. Such rigidity comes from being stuck in the intellect. The intellect wants to prove and to feel superior. Our feeling nature, on the other hand, is about having concern and heartfelt connections with others. We always have a choice: we can get riled up or we can adopt a flexible attitude, stay in our feelings and let things roll off our back.

Young child on a swing.

To live and let live is being kind to yourself (inner) and to others (outer). It takes self-leadership to go beyond feeling frustrated or being upset. By employing ingenuity, we allow new approaches and solutions that bring us peace of mind and fulfillment to show up. When things get in a turmoil, we can expand our versatility by asking ourselves:

  • Are my current thoughts helping this situation?
  • What am I going to do about it?
  • What do I (not the other party) have to do to take the pressure off?
  • What perspective can I adopt to feel better about this situation?
  • How much suffering am I willing to endure?

What has been doesn’t always have to be. There is an ebb and flow to life. With flexibility, we can learn to ride the wave and stay out of the undertow. We can get more enjoyment out of life by being versatile! And never forget that our inner guidance is here to help us.

Elderly man gives two thumbs up.

“Refining Your Sensitivity”

Mariette Seed
If you like this blog, the writer, Inner Peace Movement leader, Mariette Seed from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, will be presenting an online 3½ hour seminar “Refining Your Sensitivity” on July 27 at 5pm Eastern Time in North America [July 28 at 7am AEST in Australia]. Learn how to adapt to change and stay secure within from Mariette who has tackled many changes and challenges in her life and has learned the art of flexibility while remaining secure within.

Click HERE for more information and to register.

“I learned from this course the importance of going with my first impression and of being decisive as that is an expression of my own leadership. I can put energy into solutions instead of worry, and trust that things will work out. I learned the importance of having my communication organized within myself first, of not being afraid to share and of not forgetting to ask my guidance for help!”
– Mariette Seed, Edmonton, AB, Canada
“This is a very gentle, loving course. Respecting my basic need for communication sincerely strengthens my relationship with guidance and others. Fulfilling this need brings me great joy and my abundance naturally flows.”
– Leslie Willett Black, Toronto, ON, Canada
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