An architect is a builder of dreams. Working with a balance of creativity and practicality an architect builds using a plan that includes a step-by-step approach with details of how to make what is desired into a reality.
There is an architect in every one of us! Dreams and desires lead us to live our purpose. Every day is a process of unfolding our plan. It’s easy to follow the blueprint we have created before arriving on earth because we already have the tools and the skills to do the job for ourselves. Bringing out what is within us makes everything we do unique and fulfilling.

We are all architects with our own creative genius. With imagination and creativity we approach our work as play. Being more involved in life with a sense of adventure makes whatever we do more enjoyable.
The plan of the architect is a working plan. With flexibility, revisions can be made along the way. We can make changes and adjustments to our lives that fit better with the overall plan. We can make things simpler and have more fun! Whenever we lose the sense of fun, it is most likely that we are over thinking, making things into a big deal. It is best to eliminate small pressures before they grow into dragons!

Taking the time to relax inside will help you flow with ideas, solutions and strategies. Allow no thoughts to come into your mind to contradict what you feel can be done. Anything is possible! Discipline your thoughts to be of service to you. Use positive affirmations to redirect your mind and stay on track. The mind is a powerful tool when directed in a constructive way.
Trust yourself! Whatever you sense or feel, your vision, your understanding, and your inner knowing are your greatest tools for creating, managing, and directing your life. Your unlimited self finds no constraints and maintains flexible thinking to be more decisive and on target.
As an architect be aware that you are skilled with these qualities:-
- You have an ability to look at the big picture – the grand scheme of things.
- You have patience to work out all the angles and to go step by step in the right timing.
- You are innovative, breaking with tradition to try a new approach.
- You are a good communicator, open and receptive to others’ ideas and suggestions.
- You have the understanding that enables you to work freely with the strengths of others as you work with your own.
Your true nature as a soul is pure genius. How you put together what you have and how you use it is being the master architect that you are. Always stay aligned with your sense of purpose as a strong and enduring force. Believe in your dream and you will create it!