It has been said: wherever you go, there you are. In other words: you are here. Always. Is it so hard to accept that?
– Eckhart Tolle, “Stillness Speaks.”

How many times do we feel the need to assimilate the atmosphere of our surroundings and blend in to be like everyone else? Why is that? Could it be that it is a basic need to feel loved and accepted? Is there a time when perhaps this might not be in our best interest?

To assimilate what is in your best interest could mean many things. What are your current needs at this time? What is your priority right now? Knowing who you are and why you are here is a priority. Once this is clear then it is easier to assimilate and blend with others without losing a pivotal sense of self.

There is joy in being able to assimilate with our environment physically and spiritually. There is pleasure in being able to make friends and share our lives with others. There is a sense of goodness and service in assimilating with our environment, whether through nature – nurturing plants, animals, birds, or sea creatures which share this planet with us – or through interaction with like-minded people.

What helps us to assimilate? One way is to be clear on what we want and need at any particular time.

Why do we do the things we do? Because it feels good? Because it is the right thing to do? To back ourselves with greater understanding? Because we want to help others? Because we realize that this is a golden opportunity for us?

Have you ever wondered why you are here? Maybe you have something to offer to a situation as well as it providing you with opportunity. Understanding who you are and why you are here is of vital importance.

There may be a time when you need to isolate yourself from a situation because it is harmful to you. It could be wise to take heed of not so good feelings and move away from such situations. This comes back to knowing what is in your best interest at any particular time.

To assimilate in order to restore our sense of well being is like taking time to have a massage or to soak in a warm bath to enjoy the healing energy of the water, or to visit hot springs and assimilate the unique environment of special aromas or even native birds flying around. Taking time to absorb a new environment, where there are sounds which delight us and fill us with wonder. These are places of healing for our physical bodies and our souls. Going to a concert to listen to beautiful voices and inspiring music to lift our spirits can help us to assimilate positive energies and vibrations. There are many ways to immerse ourselves in healing energies to restore our physical and spiritual well being.

As Eckhart Tolle says “Wherever you go , there you are.” Is this not a beautiful definition of Assimilation?

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