
Inner Peace! Soul awareness & Life Purpose! FREE Online Lecture

Online via Zoom - CT In the Central Timezone, TX, United States

Become aware of four spiritual gifts or avenues of communication. You are a genius when you are in your true nature and not influenced by the outer world. There is […]

Your Path to Inner Peace, and Self Mastery – FREE Online Lecture

Online via Zoom - US ET In the US Eastern Timezone, United States

Learn the Spiritual Facts of Life to live successfully in both the Spiritual and Physical Realms. Release stress and embrace your genius! Life can be fun with the right attitude. […]

Free Online Talk – Discover Your Soul Nature, Your Home Inside!

Online via Zoom - US ET In the US Eastern Timezone, United States

Gain an awareness of being a spiritual being in a physical body. Learn a practical perspective for Inner Peace In daily life. Be yourself! This introduction to the Inner Peace […]

FREE Talk – Inner Peace, Vibrant and Balanced Living!

Online via Zoom - US ET In the US Eastern Timezone, United States

Learn about Living in balance with your head and heart to receive all the positive energy from the Universe. Learn about your four gifts of perception/communication. These gifts will help […]