
Trust and Collaboration – FREE Online Introductory Lecture

Online via Zoom - ET In the Canadian Eastern Timezone, Canada

Join Leslie in this interactive seminar, connect with like minded souls improving their lives step by step, helping each other grow and expand their inner potential. Help yourself so you can help others. What to Expect: Life Purpose: Understanding the facts of your life purposes provides inner freedom to have the balance you seek for […]


Be kind to yourself. Peace begins within – ONLINE Free Lecture

Online via Zoom - PDT In the Pacific Timezone, British Columbia, Canada

Nurture your inner joy and fulfillment by embracing a life where you are the architect of your dreams, the captain of your destiny, and a positive force for yourself, your loved ones, and your community. Join us on this transformative journey! There's no limit to what you can accomplish when you are true to yourself […]


Be kind to yourself. Peace begins within – ONLINE Free Lecture

Online via Zoom - PDT In the Pacific Timezone, British Columbia, Canada

Nurture your inner joy and fulfillment by embracing a life where you are the architect of your dreams, the captain of your destiny, and a positive force for yourself, your loved ones, and your community. Join us on this transformative journey! There's no limit to what you can accomplish when you are true to yourself […]


Expand Your Horizons on a Journey of Self-Discovery and Understanding – FREE Online Introductory Lecture

Online via Zoom - MT In the Canadian Mountain Timezone, Canada

Bridge the gap between your inner and outer worlds, embracing the mystical and physical aspects of life. Gain a deeper understanding of our four avenues of communication as we collaborate with ourselves and higher sources. Explore topics such as the nature of the soul, eternal life, levels of consciousness, emotional balance, life purpose, and the […]


Inner Peace – Spiritual guidance – Soul awareness – FREE Online Lecture

Online via Zoom - CT In the Central Timezone, TX, United States

You are Energy! Embrace how you are a part of the rhythms and routines of the universe. Understand a bigger picture of life on planet earth and your inner communication system, I.e. the four avenues of perception! Become more aware of living your life in the present with 100% positive non-judgmental energy. You will energy […]

Trust and Collaboration – Practical Solutions for Success – FREE Online Introductory Lecture

Online via Zoom - ET In the Canadian Eastern Timezone, Canada

Join Leslie in this interactive seminar, connect with like minded souls improving their lives, step by step, helping each other grow and expand their inner potential. Help yourself so you can help others. Explore practical solutions to enhance your life. Learn how you can trust yourselves more; how to increase balance in your life; improve […]


Life is sacred. Let your light shine! ONLINE Free Lecture

Online via Zoom - PDT In the Pacific Timezone, British Columbia, Canada

"Embrace the sacredness of life and illuminate your path with inner joy and fulfillment. Become the architect of your dreams, the captain of your destiny and a beacon of positivity for yourself, your loved ones and your community. Embark on this transformative journey with us and let your light shine brightly!" The Inner Peace Movement of […]


“To Thine Own Self Be True” Expand on Life’s Happiness – FREE Online Introductory Lecture

Online via Zoom - ET In the Canadian Eastern Timezone, Canada

Help yourself first! Understand your life purpose and how to tap into more of your inner resources. Feel the joy of being a way shower. Be a beacon of light, and let it shine. Unfold your wisdom to expand on life’s happiness. Then pass it along, as true joy and fulfillment in life comes when […]


Inner Peace, Soul Consciousness, communicate with your Angels! FREE Online Lecture

Online via Zoom - CT In the Central Timezone, TX, United States

Increase awareness of a bigger picture to life. Learn about four avenues to communicate with Angels. Gain understanding and Inner Peace. This one hour free talk will explore your uniqueness, the soul and the body, the universe, the two natures, the three states of consciousness and keys to living in balance in your everyday life. […]

“To Thine Own Self Be True” Expand on Life’s Happiness – FREE Online Introductory Lecture

Online via Zoom - ET In the Canadian Eastern Timezone, Canada

Help yourself first! Understand your life purpose and how to tap into more of your inner resources. Feel the joy of being a way shower. Be a beacon of light, and let it shine. Unfold your wisdom to expand on life’s happiness. Then pass it along, as true joy and fulfillment in life comes when […]


You are Never Alone – FREE Online Introductory Lecture

Online via Zoom - AEST In the Australian AEST Timezone, Australia

Enjoy the sacred depths of Your Soul, Discover deeper Meaning in Purpose and Life, Understand Your Direct Communication with Your Angels.


Inner Peace! Soul awareness & Life Purpose! FREE Online Lecture

Online via Zoom - CT In the Central Timezone, TX, United States

Become aware of four spiritual gifts or avenues of communication. You are a genius when you are in your true nature and not influenced by the outer world. There is an art to that and the Inner Peace Movement teaches tools and techniques to stay in balance with yourself while you're involved with the world. […]