
Your Path to Inner Peace, and Self Mastery – FREE Online Lecture

Online via Zoom - US ET In the US Eastern Timezone, United States

Learn the Spiritual Facts of Life to live successfully in both the Spiritual and Physical Realms. Release stress and embrace your genius! Life can be fun with the right attitude. […]

You are Never Alone – FREE Online Introductory Lecture

Online via Zoom - AEST In the Australian AEST Timezone, Australia

This session is a compact presentation of the basic facts of your life as a soul on planet earth. It will give you the understanding of who you are, where […]


Know Where You Fit – FREE Online Lecture

Online via Zoom - ET In the Canadian Eastern Timezone, Canada

Clarify the facts for yourself. Learn where you fit amid the daily influences of people and places you interact with. Trust begins within.

You are Never Alone – FREE Online Introductory Lecture

Online via Zoom - AEST In the Australian AEST Timezone, Australia

Clarification on your life force. Growth cycles.Transitioning from the physical world to the spiritual world.Your guardians, and more. This session is a compact presentation of the basic facts of your […]


Live your life in harmony – FREE Online Talk

Online via Zoom - PDT In the Pacific Timezone, British Columbia, Canada

Unify your thoughts and feelings. Find balance and harmony. Is balance achievable? Is it possible to reduce stress and have more joy? Can you have harmony with yourself and others? […]

Reunite With Your Feelings – Trust Yourself More

Online via Zoom - ET In the Canadian Eastern Timezone, Canada

You were born happy, trusting your feelings. Clarify the source of interference and find solutions to reunite with your natural ability! You were born happy, trusting your feelings. Reunite with […]

Reunite With Your Feelings – Trust Yourself More

Online via Zoom - ET In the Canadian Eastern Timezone, Canada

You were born happy, trusting your feelings. Clarify the source of interference and find solutions to reunite with your natural ability! You were born happy, trusting your feelings. Reunite with […]

Free Online Talk – Discover Your Soul Nature, Your Home Inside!

Online via Zoom - US ET In the US Eastern Timezone, United States

Gain an awareness of being a spiritual being in a physical body. Learn a practical perspective for Inner Peace In daily life. Be yourself! This introduction to the Inner Peace […]

Live Your Life in Harmony

Online via Zoom - PDT In the Pacific Timezone, British Columbia, Canada

This fun, interactive and practical one-hour online talk will give you keys to unify your thoughts and feelings, cultivate more harmony with yourself and others, and realize how much backing […]

Be more adaptive and less reactive

Online via Zoom - MDT In the Mountain Daylight Timezone, Alberta, Canada

Life’s a school: learn, flow with life, practice, and understand your inner, outer, and spiritual worlds. Life is a big school with continual lessons. Become aware of what you are […]

FREE Talk – Inner Peace, Vibrant and Balanced Living!

Online via Zoom - US ET In the US Eastern Timezone, United States

Learn about Living in balance with your head and heart to receive all the positive energy from the Universe. Learn about your four gifts of perception/communication. These gifts will help […]

You are Never Alone

Online via Zoom - AEST In the Australian AEST Timezone, Australia

Spiritual understanding of life from birth to death,balance,science,religion & society,guardian angels,four gifts, cycles of life and more. This Session: A compact presentation of the basic facts of your life as a […]

Your Life, Your Masterpiece

Online via Zoom - PDT In the Pacific Timezone, British Columbia, Canada

If you think you're not creative, think again! If you can dream it, you can create it. Your life is the canvas you are painting with each feeling, thought, decision, […]

Go For Your Great – Trust Yourself More

Online via Zoom - ET In the Canadian Eastern Timezone, Canada

Be secure in the facts of your life purpose. Be versatile & flexible in how you create it. Use more of your internal resources & be great!