FREE Online Talk: Intuition opens the Door to Inner Peace
Online via Zoom - MDT In the Mountain Daylight Timezone, Alberta, CanadaIf the stress of life overwhelms your peace of mind, how do you respond?
If the stress of life overwhelms your peace of mind, how do you respond?
IPM Orientation Lecture - Terrace BC, Canada
Do you ignore some of your hunches and later wish you hadn’t. Clarify the facts of your sensitivity. Trust yourself more.
“Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you respond to it.” Lou Holtz, American football coach
Be prepared to know yourself better. Find deeper meaning by learning to trust your intuition.
This Lecture is a compact presentation of the facts of your life as a soul on planet earth. It is the bigger picture. We’ll explore the nature of the soul […]
Are you feeling a bit overwhelmed with where you're headed in 2025? Join us for this online event where we will help you simplify your purpose and direction for the […]
Discover deeper meaning through self awareness. Move securely through your life with the facts.What When Where and Why of your eternal being.
When work wasn’t enough, I started searching for answers about life. The Inner Peace Movement showed me how to find my own answers within.
When work wasn’t enough, I started searching for answers about life. The Inner Peace Movement showed me how to find my own answers within.
Being, ‘InThe Flow’, is when your Intuition is letting you know something, and you hear it and respond positively. Your Intuition is at the heart of your creativity and is […]
Discover more of the real you by understanding the bigger picture.
Discover more of the real you by understanding the bigger picture.
We are born into this life with everything we need to accomplish our Life Purpose. Are you ready to live life with the awareness of your spiritual gifts and your […]
"Know the truth and the truth sets you free". This Lecture is a compact presentation of the facts of your life as a soul on planet earth. It is the […]