Richard Ardern
Born in Sydney, New South Wales, Richard’s family moved to the island state of Tasmania just before Richard started school. After searching for more fulfilment and fun during his teenage years, he came to an Inner Peace Movement program at age sixteen.
Richard has been involved with the Inner Peace Movement since this time both in Australia and overseas. He is currently a Director of the Inner Peace Movement in Australia.
Richard enjoys nothing more than sharing the tools and techniques he has learned from the Inner Peace Movement that have worked for him so successfully in his everyday life.
Leslie Willett Black
Leslie Willett Black, is a spiritual and business consultant with over 25 years experience helping people and organizations adapt to change, growing and expanding their potential.
“When work wasn’t enough to make me feel personally fulfilled, I started to question what life was all about. Clarifying the difference between my spiritual and intellectual natures and finding a balance between them, helped me to define my true purpose in life. As I applied what I was learning to support this balance, I experienced an infinitely more fulfilling life.”
Leslie now passes along to others the practical tools she learned so they can find their own answers to personal freedom and inner fulfillment.
Leslie is available for personal consultations, group talks, workshops and public speaking.
“Invest in yourself and find out how great life can be.”
Donna Fuechtman
“If you can’t be happy at all the times, something is wrong.” A quote from the founder of IPM programs which captured my attention with the realization that everyone could be enjoying life more!
Donna’s approach is genuine and to the point with direction and solutions to daily living. She brings a sense of harmony and well-being into everyday living. With over 40 years of experiential knowledge, a qualified leader in a variety of methodologies and success principles she enjoys bringing out the true nature in people with lasting Self-discovery.
Certified Consultant, Instructor & International Lecturer with the IPM programs she has shared the practical, simple step by step approach across the Prairies, British Columbia and abroad.
Stephen Gibbs
Born in Perth, Western Australia, Stephen spent his early years living in many different environments around the state, from the red desert landscape of the Pilbarra, to the timber country of the southwest. As a child, he was aware that there was more to life than the tangible, physical reality of the world, and, after searching for most of his teen age years he came across the Inner Peace Movement.
Since then Stephen has spent much of his life working with the Inner Peace Movement program both in Australia and overseas. He has lectured widely both nationally within Australia and internationally. He is a director of the Inner Peace Movement in Australia, a member of the Inner Peace Movement of Canada and oversees the administration of the program in the Asia Pacific region.
Stephen is passionate about passing on to others who are searching the tools and techniques that have worked so successfully for him in his life.
Judy Guido
“By trusting my intuition I found inner peace and balance,” says Judy Guido, “There is no limit to what we can accomplish.”
“I became involved in the Inner Peace Movement in my late teens. I always had an inner knowing, but didn’t trust it; I had lots of great ideas, but didn’t know what to do with them. I simply lacked confidence. After attending a seminar, I gained an understanding of my own tendencies and with on-going involvement in study groups, I learned how to be effective in achieving my goals.”
For over thirty-five years now, Judy has inspired people from all walks of life to expand their potential using practical tools and techniques for better living. Her instruction is a step-by-step, common sense guide to keeping life simple, joyful and fun.
Rose Hamilton
Rose Hamilton, a mother and a grandmother, is a Natural Healer who became a Registered Nurse in 1969, going on to study Naturopathy and Body Work, and successfully practicing for over 40 years in Queensland, Australia.
Rose’s passion is showing people how to create a more balanced life for themselves by understanding the connection between the mental, physical and spiritual. This has helped her to be a more insightful practitioner in her clinic.
It was through the tools and techniques Rose learned from being involved in the Inner Peace Movement, she learned to trust her ability to sense what action to take whilst working with her clients.
Rose has presented self healing workshops in Canada and Australia as a Consultant for the Inner Peace Movement and also trains other professionals in her field.
Kate Hope
Kate enjoys helping others feel happier and clearer by sharing some of what she has learned from the Inner Peace Movement. She herself has a much deeper understanding of herself and has been able to find self acceptance and direction from this.
Kate grew up in Tasmania and now lives in Bendigo. She is nourished from time in nature and has worked as a bushwalking guide, also with people with disabilities and as a marriage celebrant, most of her time at present is enjoyed playing with her one year old son.
Kate has been involved with the Inner Peace Movement for 10 years. She initially found them while searching to give her life more fulfilment and purpose and was looking to understand how she could help others in some meaningful way. The Inner Peace Movement has given her a solid foundation of practical tools she can draw from to stay clear and relaxed and assist her to experience more harmony in life.
Gwen McGregor
Gwen McGregor is an educator in the field of self-awareness with the Inner Peace Movement of Canada. She has traveled throughout Canada presenting IPM seminars. A certified Instructor and Spiritual Consultant, she offers the Inner Peace Movement lecture, Personal Dynamics technique workshop and other IPM programs in the community. She is also available for private consultations.
Gwen attended her first Inner Peace Movement lecture in 1972 when searching for a deeper sense of purpose. She believes that the Inner Peace Movement gives people the tools they need to trust their true feelings and clarify their life’s purpose. “There is a momentum to what we have come to do and we can sense the right timing to bring out our dreams. We can learn to communicate with our angels for help and reassurance along the way.”
Gwen retired from nursing in 2002 and lives in Nanaimo, BC. She knows life is meant to be fun and shares with people how to find the same inner joy and zest she enjoys from using the IPM tools presented in programs.
Wendolyn Melford
Through her involvement in the Inner Peace Movement Wendolyn found the help and encouragement she was looking for. She discovered an approach to life that helped her as a young housewife and mother to realise that everything in life is important. She joined a weekly discovery group where she was shown simple techniques which helped her to relax , laugh and have more fun in her life. Since then she has been able to help a lot of people by sharing the Inner Peace Movement programme with them.
Wendolyn has travelled throughout Australia and New Zealand with the message of inner peace. She has also been to Puerto Rico, Washington DC, Atlanta, Canada, England and Ireland with the Inner Peace Movement.
Wendolyn believes that love is the key to success. “Love what you do. Love the challenges that come your way.” She says, “It is your life. Make it happen for YOU! You can maintain a positive attitude about yourself. If things seem too hard or too difficult, decide how you would like them to be, then change them.”
Shannon Paapanen
SHANNON PAAPANEN has presented talks and workshops with the Inner Peace Movement for more than thirty-five years. Her greatest joy comes from passing on the simple and practical tools and techniques of the program to those who are sincerely seeking answers for themselves.
“When I was searching, I didn’t want anyone giving me answers. I wanted to find my own answers within. That is why communication with my angels appealed to me. Once I knew how to do that, I felt truly free.”
“The founder of this program said, ‘It is only though self-understanding that individuals can put direction into their own lives and lead others.’ It is through that process of self-understanding that I have learned to communicate more effectively with myself, my angels, my family and loved ones and the world at large. I have learned to trust myself more, rely on my inner strength and discern on a deeper level what is happening in environments around me so that I can navigate those environments with more ease and success.”
“I believe everyone is unique and can live their dream in all facets of their lives – personal, business and social. You can chart your own course in life. It starts with acknowledging who you truly are.”
Shannon has given programs throughout the United States, Canada and the Caribbean in both English and Spanish.
Philip Ponchet
PHILIP PONCHET believes that the feelings of happiness and joy we search for in life are within our grasp. He shares with his audiences that with self understanding their dreams in life can be realized.
Philip lived in Nova Scotia for many years and now calls Kispiox, BC his home. His background in adult education and the hospitality industry have helped him to be an effective spiritual educator, helping people reach their spiritual goals with step by step solutions.
Philip brings over forty years of experience sharing with people from coast to coast the benefits of balancing head and heart so they can easily reach their goals. He enjoys passing on practical tools and techniques offered in the Inner Peace Movement programs to help people become the master of their own life. Tous les services sont disponibles en français.
Mandana Rastan
Mandana Rastan is a certified instructor and consultant with the Inner Peace Movement. She helps people to be more joyful and in charge of their life by seeing themselves more clearly and being true to themselves. She shares practical tools and techniques and a step-by-step program to help you trust yourself more, be more relaxed, positive and present, and direct energy toward manifesting your goals. She shares, “Learning to communicate with my spirit guides as well as discerning energy, keeping my energy clear and buffered, and developing my intuition and inner radar helped me be more in charge of my energy and overcome doubts and worries. Everyone can do that. You can find your own answers and create the life you want with inner security and confidence. With patience you can become more resilient and see challenges as opportunities for learning, growth and success.”
Mandana has also been teaching English to newcomers to Canada for over 30 years, helping them gain confidence in their communication skills and integrate into Canadian society.
“Having balance and peace of mind becomes a part of life when you gain clarity and self-understanding,” says Mandana. “You can celebrate who you are while being in harmony with others and of service in your own unique way.”
Dr. Susan Scott
DR. SUSAN SCOTT, the current President of the Inner Peace Movement of Canada, has toured and lectured internationally with the Inner Peace Movement for over forty years. Born and raised in the UK, she has lived the greater part of her life in Canada. She has been associated with the Inner Peace Movement since 1971 after the passing of her eldest son from cancer. Currently living in Montreal, Quebec, she has had countless radio, television and newspaper interviews and has presented spiritual development programs in a dozen countries around the world.
A warm and enthusiastic speaker, she believes that everyone has the potential within them to live life to the fullest by following their heart, knowing that they have the strength and resources to accomplish whatever they desire.
Mariette Seed
Mariette Seed, an Edmonton based community leader, became involved with the Inner Peace Movement over thirty years ago. “It helped me understand myself, my feelings, and what I was capable of,” Mariette says. Of her first introductory lecture Mariette says, “I knew I had to go to the lecture. My world changed at that moment. I sensed this was something very unique.”
Mariette believes in following her inner guidance and taking creative choices outside her comfort zone. “Change can seem very frightening, very threatening, but I believe our experiences happen for a reason. The key is to flow with them and not against them.”
“If you are looking for a way to improve your life, to understand your experiences, be a leader of yourself and gain a bigger picture of what life is all about, the Inner Peace Movement can definitely help,” says Mariette.”
Karen Tinetti
Karen Tinetti from Townsville, North Queensland loves meeting and sharing with people from all walks of life. She enjoys the simple things of life such as gardening, family gatherings and being outdoors enjoying nature.
Karen shares: “Through the Inner Peace Movement I gained a better quality of life once I realised that it started with me. I have given myself the gift of spiritual wisdom which I refine on a daily basis.”.
The Inner Peace Movement program is a very practical way of discovering how you can help yourself and others through self understanding and awareness.
Raise your Awareness Seminar – You Don’t Have to Walk Alone – FREE Online Talk
April 29 @ 3:00 pm - 4:00 pmRaise your Awareness Seminar – You Don’t Have to Walk Alone – FREE Online Talk
May 13 @ 7:00 pm - 8:00 pmRaise your Awareness Seminar – You Don’t Have to Walk Alone – FREE Online Talk
June 10 @ 7:00 pm - 8:00 pmWilliam Wynd
William Wynd, a true native son born in Queensland, Mackay, has been involved in presenting IPM programs for twenty four years; sharing how people can help themselves, be at peace within and focus on positive action to accomplish their desires at the same time.
William has been featured in newspapers and on radio, he is an engaging speaker who shares from experience the country qualities and spiritual values that help bring out the best in people.