


Ignorance is simply a lack of knowledge, understanding, awareness, or information. Have you heard the saying “Life is not a spectator sport”? To truly experience it, we need to take an active role. When we engage and explore with curiosity, life’s mysteries unfold and...

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We are born with a purpose to live life and experience through the choices we make in order to expand our state of consciousness.

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Is how we endure life how we perceive life? Challenges are inevitable, but how we learn to handle and endure what comes our way is what seems to evolve. When problems arise, our instinct may be to eliminate them quickly, like swatting away a bothersome fly. We engage...

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It has been said: wherever you go, there you are. In other words: you are here. Always. Is it so hard to accept that?- Eckhart Tolle, "Stillness Speaks." How many times do we feel the need to assimilate the atmosphere of our surroundings and blend in to be like...

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What would happen if our first response to any situation were LOVE? Often, the pressures and demands of our jobs, family life, and social obligations cause us to react impulsively rather than to reflect thoughtfully before responding. But consider how choosing love as...

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In a vehicle, the engine or battery generates the power and the steering wheel directs where the vehicle goes. Our feelings are like the power in the car.

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At the heart of collaboration lies a fundamental truth: we must learn to trust ourselves more and quiet the inner dialogue that often undermines our instincts and intuition.

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